Online Articles Search

Go to the login page to access the databases below. Authorized users include currently enrolled MIU distance education students, MIU students in Fairfield, and MIU faculty and administrators.

  • EBSCOhost EBSCO consists of indexes to full-text articles from thousands of academic and professional business journals. Upon entering, select each of the indexes that are appropriate for your research and check the box marked “Full Text” on the next page before you search. Note that this source indexes articles on a particular subject that are published in these thousands of journals. Visit our tutorial for more detailed information.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica This is the 2003 online version of the 31 volume printed set of Britannica.  Due to the ability to index every article, name, and subject in the set, it is easier to use than the printed version.
  • FirstSearch–Core Databases There are ten indexes contained in this source.  The main ones of interest to business students are “ArticleFirst” and “ECO”, although these databases do not offer full-text .   To find full-text for the references to specific articles in FirstSearch “ArticleFirst” and “ECO”, it is necessary to search the Electronic and Print Periodicals. For example, suppose you are interested in “corporate mergers and competition”.  You enter FirstSearch and select the database “ArticleFirst”.  Type the subject in the dialog box.  The article “Corporate restructuring” appears to be of interest, and the reference given is Mergers & acquisitions. 35, no. 8, (2000): 51.  Go to the Electronic and Print Periodicals, described above, follow instructions and enter the journal title Mergers & Acquisitions.  After the title, the following holdings appear in Business Source Elite and MasterFILE Premierfrom 1979 to the present in Maharishi International University Print and Microform Holdings and from January/February 1990 to present in LexisNexis Academic. We suggest that you choose Business Source Elite and MasterFILE Premier.  These are two of the indexes in EBSCO.  Click on one of these, and scroll towards the bottom of the page under “View Issue,” then select the publication year, 2000, and click on number 8 as given in the reference from “ArticleFirst”.  Scroll down the page to view a listing of each article for that issue.  Select the rticle on page 51 for the full text.
  • LexisNexis Academic Universe Lexis Nexis Universe offers full text newspaper, magazine, and journal articles pertaining to business subjects, indexing a wide range of popular to specialized professional business sources. For quality research, choose your materials carefully. Every citation shown is full text. For help with specialized searches that will narrow results very specifically to your subject, please contact our reference librarian, Martin Schmidt.