Our Special Collections

The MIU Video Library offers a comprehensive collection of lectures, symposia, conferences, press conferences, and courses by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. We broadcast tapes from the collection to classrooms throughout campus. If you need to make up lessons, or review lessons, that may be done here in the library, using TVs in the viewing room, located in the north end of the periodical room.We have hundreds of tapes and DVDs of lectures by Maharishi on the Science of Creative Intelligence and Vedic Science, available for viewing in the library, a sample of which is displayed on a turnstile in north of the Tape Library door. To view these DVDs, please bring the cover to the Tape Library window, and we will play the DVD on a TV in the viewing room for you to watch. You may get headphones at the library circulation desk for this purpose.

We have an extensive archive of programs broadcast on the Maharishi Channel over the past 8 years. We also have a database of Maharishi’s answers to questions during six years of press conferences, from 2002 to 2007.

The library has a complete collection of Maharishi’s books, articles and books on the Science of Creative Intelligence, and organized archives of published articles by and about Maharishi’s teaching for 50 years around the world. These resources about Maharishi’s 50 years of teaching around the world have no peer in any library anywhere in the world: this seems to be the only library facility for research in Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence and Vedic Science anywhere in the world. We are happy to help you with your research needs, and we would like to give you every opportunity to expand your knowledge of Maharishi’s teachings around the world.

Our collection of primary Vedic Literature texts provides an essential resource for the achievement of the University’s educational goals. MIU also has its own website where you can read Vedic Literature online.
The Maharishi Vedic Science Thesaurus provides an online index to all areas of Maharishi Vedic Science, and to organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique and offering Maharishi Vedic Science programs. The simple search interface gives easy access to more than 700 alphabetically arranged terms/concepts.
The MIU Special Collections Repository contains primary resource materials from or about Maharishi International University and organizations associated with the Transcendental Meditation Program® that have worked with Maharishi International University. It includes books, pamphlets, dissertations, posters, photographs and slides, tapes, videos, and more. For further information, please contact Martin Schmidt, mschmidt@miu.edu or 641-472-7000 x3733.